Happy Saturday! It's been awhile since I've blogged, but I'm still here and running and currently soaking my feet in epsom salts as I type. We've pulled back a little in our mileage so that we are not overtraining, so last week I did 6 miles and this morning I did another 10. The great thing is that after my 14 miler a few weeks ago, 10 was not as daunting and I looked forward to it. I am doing 4/1 intervals now and running 13-minute miles. Next week I plan on doing 6/1 and then finally back to my old interval of 9/1.
I also noticed that before it took me the first 10 minutes or so to get focused and into my run, but for some reason, this time around it takes me a good hour before I feel like I'm in the zone and I'm not making excuses in my head about why I should stop running and go home and crawl back into bed. But once I'm in the zone, it feels so exhilarating and free to just run and not think.
As for fundraising, I'm about 2/3rds of the way there, so I need about $300 to raise. Thank you all so much for your support, especially to Desiree and Lou Ocampo, Lee Takasugi, and Debbie Cheng for your recent donations. Also, I know that times are tough and there are so many causes out there to support, especially with the recent devastation in Japan - but if you have even $5 or $10 to spare, that would be very much appreciated and will help me hit my goal of $1,000.
Love and healthy thoughts,
Go you! Lynnette was just telling about the intervals you're both doing. Makes the whole thing sound less daunting - I will definitely try it myself. :)